New! YOL Partners with Sageful AI

Leadership Intensives


As society and organizations evolve, employees are demanding leaders take a more human approach to leading. Leaders today need to be authentic, empathetic, and adaptable.


Three-part experiential program for senior and emerging leaders focused on unlocking the power of human-centered leadership.

Activating Distributed Leadership

Evolve your organization by activating the leadership within through adaptive, agile models. Drive change through innovative and emerging formats.

Aligning Team Dynamics

Embrace and enjoy your team’s diverse orientations and mindsets. Understand and leverage complementary approaches for mutual respect and collective success.

Cultivating Executive Presence

Exploring communication to enhance interaction authenticity, focusing on micro and macro behaviors, their perceptions, and the neurobiology of social engagement.

Developing Capacity for Difference

Improve how you show up for yourself and your team by fostering a secure environment for open exchanges. Apply new research-based insights to enhance empathy, self-compassion, and inclusivity.

Flow for Peak Performance

Harness the power of flow state to navigate life with ease, focus, and intuition using personalized, research-based techniques for peak performance and innovation.

Leadership Beyond Gender

Transcend gender norms in leadership by exploring how perceptions influence style and integrating marginalized aspects of your identity.

Mindful Leadership

Learn to align your actions and leadership values to understand how body/brain states foster collaboration, connection, and trust in your team.

Working Together with Purpose

Learn to evaluate team trust, accountability, conflict engagement, and decision-making. Align objectives with behavioral styles, enhance emotional intelligence, and foster a shared vision for goal commitment through healthy discussion and resolution techniques.


Designed to address specific growth

Interested in programs specific to your company and team? Tell us a bit more about your vision and we will take care of the rest! Contact us for more information.

With YOL you'll build foundational understanding of the power of body/brain states to influence collaboration, connection and trust within your team.

Program in session


How It Works

While you can purchase any YOL program individually, you can strategically purchase YOL Bundles to be utilized across your organization in a given year, to save 20% or more. Contact us for special enterprise-level pricing packages.

Small Bundle

Company-wide program for individual contributors to leadership teams.

Annual subscription covers a minimum of 120 employees.

  • 3 Single Day Programs

  • 3 Wellbeing Workshops

Medium Bundle

Manager-level program for senior managers to senior directors and above.

Annual subscription covers a minimum of 120 employees.

  • 2 Wellbeing Workshops

  • 2 Wellbeing Cohort Programs

  • 2 Leadership Intensives

Large Bundle

Company-wide program for individual contributors to leadership teams.

Annual subscription covers a minimum of 240 employees.

  • 3 Single Day Programs

  • 3 Wellbeing Workshops

  • 3 Wellbeing Cohort Programs

  • 3 Leadership Intensives

Let’s Talk

Learn how YOL’s custom, global, and scalable programming can benefit your team and business.